Thursday begins the journey for nearly 30 wrestlers between Pierre, Stanley County and Sully Buttes as the state tournament kicks off in Rapid City.
For the Stanley County Buffaloes, three wrestlers will be competing in the Class B state tournament with Chase Hanson in the 113, Levi Stover in the 160 and Dylan Endres in the heavyweight at 285. Hanson has picked up the most wins for the Buffs at 26-6 on the year.
For Sully Buttes, Chase Yellowhawk will wrestle in the 138 while sister Cateri, will be the first and only girl this year to wrestle for Sully Buttes at the state competition at the 129.
The Governors are sending all 14 wrestlers individually as well as being the fifth seeded team in the state dual tournament beginning around 4:30. The Govs also have seven wrestlers including two in the same weight class. The Governor team will be extra busy this year with the amount of wrestlers throughout each day.
Head Coach of the Pierre Governors, Shawn Lewis says it is a feat to get all 14 wrestlers to qualify for the state tournament…
Lewis says the girls team has put in the work all season to be at this point…
Lewis wants everyone to enjoy the state tournament this year…
The day begins at 11:00 Central Time with the first round matchups followed by the state dual quarterfinals and semifinals beginning at 4:30. Riverfront Broadcasting Sports will provide updates through the three days beginning at 11:00 on Today’s KCCR and Country 95.3.