Pierre City Commission Approves Steps To Fund Water Line Replacement During Euclid Avenue Rebuild

Pierre City Commission Approves Steps To Fund Water Line Replacement During Euclid Avenue Rebuild

PIERRE, (KCCR) — With the State Department of Transportation awarding a bid recently for the Euclid Avenue/Highway 14 reconstruction project, the ball was back in the Pierre City Commissions’ court Monday night. In conducting its final meeting of the year Monday night Commissioners took action on two items connected to the project. Finance Officer Lacy Walz says a bond resolution for the water infrastructure part of the project is required for the city’s state revolving loan from the Department of Environment and Natural Resources…

That surcharge is coming in the form of a water rate ordinance change which had the first of two readings Monday night…

The sunset means the four-dollar 50-cent surcharge will be eliminated once the loan is paid off. The amount of the revenue bond is five-million 75-thousand 823 dollars. City Engineer Nick Waters says they are preparing to seek bids for the city’s part of the Euclid project.