Fort Pierre Celebrates Decades Relationship With Tieszen Law Office With Proclamation

Fort Pierre Celebrates Decades Relationship With Tieszen Law Office With Proclamation

FORT PIERRE, (KCCR) — It was a torch passing of sorts in Fort Pierre Monday night as the Fort Pierre City Council honored the Tieszen Law Office with it’s very own day. Mayor Gloria Hanson says Dick Tieszen’s law firm has covered the city’s legal behind for over three decades…

Naomi Cromwell says she’s not sure what she’ll do with a few more open Monday nights…

Those good hands belong to Aaron Scheibe with the May Adam law firm who was selected by the Council to take over city attorney duties. Tieszen cited from memory the first file number he created when called to serve as Fort Pierre’s city attorney…

An open house for Tieszen was held prior to the meeting Monday night. Tieszen says he appreciates the friendships he’s made with the city over the years and is looking forward to maintaining those once his law practice is over.