Appropriators Hear Estimates Of Possible Impact To State Budget If Ballot Measure Passes This Fall

Appropriators Hear Estimates Of Possible Impact To State Budget If Ballot Measure Passes This Fall

PIERRE, (KCCR) –The interim Joint Committee on Appropriations met Tuesday in Pierre. One of the topics on their day long agenda was the possible impact passage of Initiated Measure 28 might have on South Dakota’s budget. Legislative Research Council Fiscal Analyst Jeff Mehlhaff tried to break down interpretations of the measure’s language before getting to amount of money the state cold lose if I-M 28 passes this fall…

Representative Tony Venhuizen fears major cuts will have to be made I-M 28 is approved by voters…

The 176-million that is projected to be lost is just in food and tobacco and not other consumables; which the measure says is on anything sold for human consumption. Senator Jim Bolin, who is not returning to the legislature this winter, suggested legislators go against the will of the voters if it passes…

If passed, the Legislature could take action to amend parts of the bill instead of a full repeal of the measure.