PIERRE, (KCCR) — There’s a change of leadership at PEDCO. Pierre Economic Development Corporation Chief Operations Officer Jim Protexter says Andy Hubbart will re-assume that role from Damon Wheelhouse. Hubbart was most recently Chair of the PEDCO board from 2021 to 2022. In his resignation notice, Wheelhouse says that PEDCO deserves someone who will give it more time and energy than he can offer moving forward. He is resigning to focus on business interests. Wheelhouse became PEDCO chair in January. In that time, he has championed a proposal that would allow PEDCO to develop 34 lots for workforce housing. That project is awaiting possible grant funding from the South Dakota Housing Opportunity Fund. During his last tenure as chair, Hubbart pushed a housing study and a 17-million dollar apartment as a part of the Chapelle Investments former City Hall site re-development. Protexter says his goal is to attract the busiest people to serve on the board because they get things done and isn’t surprised Wheelhouse has created other ventures that require his undivided attention.