FORT PIERRE — It was a simple vote to approve a firm to look at Fort Pierre’s future water needs. It turned into 45 minutes of debate over projects that haven’t even started yet. Public Works Director Rick Hahn reviewed the two proposals that came back from Bartlett and West and Interstate Engineering…
City officials want to get an engineering firm selected to update a 2018 water study before the October first deadline to apply for help from the state revolving fund at the Department of Ag and Natural Resources. Hahn went over high points from each overall proposal, but Councilman Larry Cronin interjected…
Mayor Gloria Hanson apologized for what looked like a rush to push the project through without any input from the public but says the project needs the engineering study to determine things like overall possible costs and what that means for taxpayers…
A motion to approve the hiring Interstate Engineering was approved on a four-to-two vote.