Fort Pierre City Council Moving Maintenance Yard Forward Without Funding Determined

Fort Pierre City Council Moving Maintenance Yard Forward Without Funding Determined

FORT PIERRE, (KCCR) — The Fort Pierre City Council has approved moving forward with a nearly one-point-two -million dollar maintenance yard project without a solid way to pay for it. That and a number of questions about the project also remain. Council member Callie Iverson says the city’s Finance Committee hasn’t discussed the project…

The meetings contract engineering Scott Schweitzer is referring to are Building Committee meetings. Iverson asked about paying for the project. Council Member Rick Cronin suggested a mix of cash and loans. Finance Officer Roxanne Heezen says cash is available but could threaten regular maintenance…

Among the remaining questions are how much work city staff can do do save cost and what their comfort level is with that that work and if that would jeopardize regular city maintenance. Schweitzer says the speed of the project is creating the questions…

The final vote was four-two in favor with Iverson and Todd Bernhard voting against moving forward. Rick and Larry Cronin, Scott Deal and Greg Kenzy voted in favor of accepting the bid.