FORT PIERRE, (KCCR) — The Fort Pierre City Council is holding a rare Tuesday night meeting tonight because of the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday. Council members will get updates from city officials before taking on agenda items. The Council will review a draft of the Capital Improvement Plan and will consider authorizing the advertising of bid openings for street improvements and chip and crack seal projects. Council members will consider a pay request and change order on the Yellowstone projects; a pay app for the Tatanka Trail and a change order for the pipeline expansion project. The Council will consider bids and a possible award for the maintenance yard project, three property tax abatements and quotes for fencing around a water storage tank. Other agenda items include the introduction of the 2025 utility rate ordinance, setting a public hearing for a temporary malt beverage license request, considering approval of an electric license and an update from H-M-E, who built Peaceful Pines. The Fort Pierre City Council meets tonight at six-pm at the South Dakota Municipal League meeting room.
Fort Pierre City Council To Hold Rare Tuesday Night Meeting
Jan 21, 2025 | 4:04 AM