Pierre City Commission Approves Seeking Bids For Landfill Expansion

Pierre City Commission Approves Seeking Bids For Landfill Expansion

PIERRE, (KCCR) — The City of Pierre is looking for someone to build a big hole to put Pierre’s garbage in for years to come. The Pierre City Commission approved a request to bid for construction of Cell Four at the Pierre Regional Landfill…

City Engineer Nick Waters says the last construction at the landfill happened nearly a decade ago…

The expansion will allow Pierre to continue to collect solid waste from central South Dakota for years to come…

Pierre’s landfill collects trash for Fort Pierre, Philip, Onida, communities along Interstate 90 and even Huron. The landfill area has room for 10 more cells for future development. A pre-bid meeting is scheduled for January 26th with bid opening set for February 6th.