Game, Fish And Parks Department To Make Changes In Prospectus For Spring Creek Concessionaire

Game, Fish And Parks Department To Make Changes In Prospectus For Spring Creek Concessionaire

PIERRE, (KCCR) — The Game, Fish and Parks Department wants to have a new concessionaire at the Spring Creek resort take up more of the financial responsibility for service at the Missouri River property. Sean Blanchette with the G-F-and-P told the Game, Fish and Parks Commission Thursday the most recent lease, that expired last month was unique…

That gamble paid off…

Blanchette says the Department is looking for a three year lease with two available option years…

Operation of the convenience store at Spring Creek is also going to be offered up as an opportunity for respondents to the request for proposals. The Department will issue the prospectus for 30 days with the hope of getting responses by mid-February. They hope to bring a recommendation to the Game, Fish and Parks Commission by the March meeting.