Pierre City Commission Approves Replacement Of Outdoor Pool Change Room Flooring

Pierre City Commission Approves Replacement Of Outdoor Pool Change Room Flooring

PIERRE, (KCCR) — Last year was the first year for the new Pierre outdoor municipal pool and water park. While the pool found favor with residents and visitors city officials found one flaw…the flooring in the bath house…

City of Pierre Project Manager Gidget Palmer says they want to use the RenoSys RecDeck flooring system as a replacement…

Commissioner Jamie Huizenga says on a project as large as the pool, issues are bound to be discovered…

The approved proposal for replacement will cover 895 square feet in the women’s change room and 865 square feet in the men’s change room. The membrane and welds carry a five-year limited warranty while all other items come with a one-year warranty. RenoSys is based in Indianapolis, Indiana.