Pierre Runner Thrilled With Community’s Support For The 437 Project’s Stop In Pierre

Pierre Runner Thrilled With Community’s Support For The 437 Project’s Stop In Pierre

PIERRE, (KCCR) — The 437 Project wrapped up it’s cross state run to raise money for the Helpline Center and 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline Sunday in Sioux Falls. Pierre nurse practitioner Jessica Rumpca was one of 12 runners taking part in the event and enjoyed her stints jogging across the state…

People along the nearly 450 mile route were supportive and some even too….supportive…

One of Rumpca’s goals was to generate more support from central South Dakota when the tour stopped in Pierre for a community event that gives the runners a short rest on their journey. Rumpca was impressed with the nearly 100 who showed their support at the American Legion cabin…

Rumpca was in awe of what it takes to make The 437 Project happen…

The 437 Project raised over 315-thousand dollars for the Helpline this year.