Fort Pierre City Council To Meet Tonight

Fort Pierre City Council To Meet Tonight

FORT PIERRE, (KCCR) — The Fort Pierre City Council is meeting tonight at the South Dakota Municipal League meeting room. The Council will hear reports from city officials before getting into the main agenda. Council members will hear the first budget subsidy requests from outside agencies in preparation for budget planning. The Council will also get an update from Dr. Cheryl Chapman with the Western Dakota Rural Water System. A number of requests around Trader Days are on the agenda. The Council will consider approval of two right-of-way closure requests; one for August 9th and another for August 10th. Five temporary liquor license requests are also up for consideration by the Council. Council members will also consider approval of a temporary malt beverage license filed by American Legion Post 20 for the Expo Center on July 24th and a request to advertise for hay ground bids. A public hearing date will also be set for a temporary liquor license request by the Casey Tibbs Rodeo Center for August 18th. The Fort Pierre City Council meets tonight at six pm.

To join the meeting remotely, use Zoom or call 719-359-4580 or 253-205-0468. The meeting ID for both is 814-124-6625.