PIERRE, (KCCR) — The Pierre City Commission is meeting tonight at the Pierre Municipal Building. Commissioners will consider approval of a four-item consent calendar that includes minutes from the August 15th regular meeting, the claims, a new firefighter cadet application and two promotions in the police department. The Commission will consider bid results for the Pawnee utilities and street rebuild project and hold a public hearing at 5:45 pm for a special assessment roll for the extension of Black Hills Drive. In new business, Commissioners will consider a resolution to establish Business Improvement District Number Three; a request to purchase survey equipment and will consider the plat of land near Pierre Regional Airport. First reading will be given to two ordinance revisions regarding city boundaries and budget presentations will be made by Missouri Shores and PAWS Animal Shelter. The Pierre City Commission meets tonight at 5:30 pm. The meeting is open to the community.