As the summer league finishes up, Pierre fastpitch begin to turn the attention to fall ball. If you have a daughter that will be in 6th grade through 12th grade this fall and would like to continue playing softball, there will be an informational meeting Thursday, July 21st at 6:00 pm at Faith Lutheran Church. Girls in 6th-8th grade are eligible to participate in the Middle School League and 9th-12th in the JV and Varsity Leagues. We encourage anybody interested to attend the meeting and see what fall ball is all about. Practice will start on August 1st.
There will also be two fundraisers in the month of August for the Pierre fastpitch organization. August 6 from 10 am to 1 pm, Pierre Fastpitch will be hosting a carwash at Becks Car Wash on the truck route and then on August 30 from 4 to 8pm, Pierre Fastpitch will be conducting a fundraiser at Gators.