PIERRE — Excavation work starts today on construction of a new outdoor municipal pool in Pierre. With that work means a change for traffic flow and parking near the pool location in Griffin Park. Up to 100 loads daily can be expected as some 15-thousand yards of soil will need to be removed and replaced with a suitable fill material. An additional 20-thousand yards of soil will be placed at the site. Trucks will stay on Sioux Avenue as much as possible shuttling soils from the west side of the Missouri River. From Sioux, they will go south on Ree Street to Missouri and enter Griffin Park from the south. The goal is to keep as much truck traffic out of residential areas as possible. No parking will be allowed on Dakota Avenue from Crow Street to Capitol Creek. Griffin Park road from Crow to Capitol Creek will be closed. Parts of Griffin Park near the construction zone will be closed off with a safety fence. The dirt work should last until November with the work being done by A-G-E Corporation of Fort Pierre.