PIERRE — A group of around 50 volunteers took part in the Missouri River/Lake Sharpe Cleanup effort Wednesday. Paul Lepisto with the Izaak Walton League of Pierre says the total a little less than average…
Lower river levels didn’t help the clean-up as leases from the Oahe Dam were higher than usual…
Lepisto says keeping Lake Sharpe and the Missouri River clean needs to be a year-round effort, not a one-night event…
Lepisto says volunteer numbers were down slight from 2019 which also may have limited how much debris was collected. The clean-up netted 17-hundred pounds of lumber, just under 12-hundred pounds of litter and trash, 100 pounds of scrap metal and 42 pounds of tires. Next year’s Missouri River/Lake Sharpe clean-up is tentatively scheduled for July 6th, 2022.