FORT PIERRE — The Fort Pierre City Council is meeting tonight at the South Dakota Municipal League building. The Council will consider approval of the agenda and declare any conflicts of interest before hearing reports from city officials. The Council will hold the official canvass of votes from the April 13th municipal election and will get a progress update on construction of the John Waldron Memorial Bridge from Denae Johnson of Project Solutions. Council members will consider hiring part time summer staff and will consider setting four public hearings for May 3rd for three temporary liquor license requests filed by the Casey Tibbs Rodeo Center for events in June. The Council will consider authorization to advertise for bids on construction of new sewage lagoons and authorization to accept a quote from Great Plains Structures. Quotes for sewer and storm sewer pipe and a proclamation for Council member Bob Ricketts time on the Fort Pierre City Council round out the agenda. The Fort Pierre City Council meets at 6:30 pm. To join the meeting remotely use Zoom or call 1-312-626-6799. The access code is 814-124-6625.